It lives in your taskbar and launches your apps into their own windows, outside of Chrome, just like your desktop apps.


They also auto-update to make sure you have all the latest security fixes. Sleep easier: Chrome apps take advantage of Chrome’s built-in security features such as Sandboxing.Pick up where you left off: Chrome syncs your apps to any desktop device you sign in to, so you can keep working.
Keep updated automatically: Apps update silently, so you always get all the latest features and security fixes (unless permissions change).Play nice with your connected devices: Interact with your USB, Bluetooth and other devices connected to your desktop, including digital cameras.Stay up-to-speed: With desktop notifications, you can get reminders, updates and even take action, right from the notification center.Connect to the cloud: Access and save the documents, photos and videos on your hard drive as well as on Google Drive and other web services.We are leading IT development company offering various solutions to. More app, less Chrome: No tabs, buttons or text boxes mean you can get into the app without being distracted by the rest of the web. EliteSigma is a leading chrome extension development, mobile app development, website development, web app development company.Work offline: Keep working or playing, even when you don’t have an internet connection.Here’s what you can expect with new Chrome Apps: If you’re using Windows or a Chromebook, you can check them out in the “For your desktop” collection in the Chrome Web Store ( Mac & Linux coming soon). (Think apps designed for your desktop or laptop, just like the ones for your phone and tablet.) These apps are more powerful than before, and can help you get work done, play games in full-screen and create cool content all from the web. Today we’re unveiling a new kind of Chrome App, which brings together the speed, security and flexibility of the modern web with the powerful functionality previously only available with software installed on your devices. We’ve been astounded by how far the web has come and are very excited to see what developers around the world will be able to do with the new generation of Chrome Apps. From a humble beginning of static text, images and links, the web has grown into a rich platform teeming with interactive content and powerful applications. Editor's note: Today marks the 5th birthday of Chrome, a project we started to push the web platform forward.